Sunday 29 January 2012

The 9 till 5 Punter


So you have to work when all the action is going on…

You need to get your bets on but your stuck in the office all day…

So how do you become a 9 till 5 punter?

Well modern technology to the rescue because these days you can use software to place those all important bets. Got a perfect system or strategy well they can take care of that as well.

For those that are unfamilar there is software out there that are refered to as bots. With these bots you can load up the days markets from the exchanges and place your bets.

You can then let them run and they do all the hard work for you. With so many options within them you should be able to cover all bases.

You can set them to stop after achieving a certain amount of profit or if you lose to much. They can bet using a % of your bank, you can set a maximum price to lay at, maybe a minimum to back is your preferred choice, they can go in play, they can trade, dutch selections, the list goes on and on.

Now I use about 6 copies of a product called Grey Horse Bot on a daily bases now I’m not promoting them quite simple they meet my needs so I’ve stuck with them. I believe there are similar products like Bet-IE, BetBotPro plus I’m sure there are some others.

So I normally have a manual setup which I simply load up my selections for the day and my bot will place these bets 60 seconds from the off.

One of the best things I feel about the bots is you can use them to implement systems a lot easier. For example say you wanted to lay the 3rd favourite in a handicap race with at least 7 runners and that 3rd favourite had to be between 5/1 – 8/1 in price.

You can do this just put all the settings in to the bot all you have to do is load up the handicap races for the day and kick it off.

Last but by no means least and what could be a great help to a lot of people is the paper trading function. Lets say you think the above settings I laid out could be a profitable system, you’ve done a bit of research into it and it looks good. Well you could set the bot up with all those settings, have it set to paper trade and it will record all those results with out losing you a penny.

Hope this helps


Sunday 8 January 2012

January Sale + Update

I've finally got round to finishing off the results for the first year of Killer Instinct.

In the end with +151 points profit I'd say that it was a succesful one.

I'll go through the results in a little more detail but first I wanted to mention our January Sale.

Till the end of the month we are offering the first month of subcription for just £2.

Thats right you can give us a try for just £2 also if your a previous customer you can re-subscribe for the same price.

This service has averaged over +12.62 points profit a month.

So please just give us a try


So back to the results.

If you'd offered me at start of the year 151 points I'd have taken that and I am happy with it.

However the second half of the year didnt go as well.

After breaching a 100 points near the start of July I hoped we could hit the 200 mark but maybe I was getting carried away.

In trying to look at improving the service I have really tried to attack those lower priced horses.

At the end of the day the lower you can lay the better plus I think were all happier taken on the shorter priced selections.

I'm happy to report we do seem to have had some succes on this front. If we'd have layed our selections at 5.5 instead of 8 through out Nov and Dec we'd have seen the following results

Nov + 19.5 and Dec +11.69.

We will be keeping an eye on this so watch this space.

Dont forget our
First month of subcription for just £2



Wednesday 19 October 2011

*DB Trial Update* - Its profitable‏

I've finally got round to crunching the numbers for the DB Trial.
Now for the newbies and those who have forgotten the DB trial was aimed at laying 2 selections in one race. Initially it appeared that the lay limit of 11 was best and this is what we went with over the course of the trial.
The trial ran from 3rd May to the end of September and over that period it had its ups and downs.
Now the main reason I stopped it was to give us a chance to give it a once over and see if it was worth continuing with.
So what have I found?
Below you should see a table with the breakdown of the results
7 limit
8 limit
9 limit
10 limit
11 limit
12 limit

As you can see the most profitable limit overall was 9 closely followed by 10.
Now my biggest concern with the selections was the volatility. The month of June was good for every limit particular those with the higher thresholds. However those higher ones pretty much wiped out Junes profits the following month. Even the most hardened of gambles would find it hard to swallow that.
Now I decided to turn my attention to see if we could improve the 8 and 9 limits.
I must confess I was still a little apprehensive of the -17 in July for 9.
Anyway I preceded to dig a little deeper and indeed managed to eck a bit more profit out of our selections. Below is our improved figures.
8 limit0.5632.04-6.5912.69.0147.62
9 limit9.3134.89-15.6923.63.6655.77
So how have we achieved the extra profit?
It would appear by excluding any races where one of our selections was a non runner we could add over 10 points to our profits.
As I said I'm not too happy about July on the lay limit of 9 but I think with an overall average of 11 points profit a month I'll leave it in for now. Don't forget people I've been providing these for free so 11 points is pretty good going as I've seen paid for services perform worse than this.
So what now?
I think I'm going to start providing them again. I'm planning on starting again in November so look out for them. I'm also going to try and stream line them a little but that may happen naturally with the jumps season and the weather.


Thursday 1 September 2011

August Results Update

Another up and down month for both Killer Instinct Lays and the DB Trial.

Killer Instinct
Once again we started the month off to a flyer but got pegged back towards the end.

Its a bit like being 2-0 up and drawing 2-2 you still get a point but you could have had all 3.

Anyway most importantly the month finished in profit and it was around our monthly average which has steadily been increasing since we started.

At the end of August Killer Instinct Lays reached the +21 point profit mark for August and our monthly average has risen to +22 points profit.

If I'm honest I'm very happy with our average as this is an extremely healthy return to be producing every month.

This month I have also been monitoring the early prices on betfair to see if we can make Killer Instinct Lays even more profitable.
When I say early prices these are the odds of our selections around the time they are sent out.

So what did I find?

Well it was in fact more profitable by quite a bit. Laying earlier also gives us a bigger window of opportunity to get matched as well.
So if you laid selections around the time the email is sent out and if any selections were over priced at that time. If you then laid any remaining unmatched selections before the off, in August you would have achieved a whooping +33.95 points profit.

Now its something you may want to consider but first you'd need a big betting bank to do this and secondly this is only one months worth of data so I wont be recommending it just yet.
I will continue to monitor and keep you all updated.

So to recap Killer Instinct Lays made +21 points profit in August that now pushes our Total to +132 points profit since the start of the year.

For Full Killer Instinct Results click here

DB Trial

In the end it was a good month for the DB trial we were ticking along quite nicely but a bad day this week hampered us a bit but in the end it was a profitable month.

I'm going to look at the results in a bit more depth over the next coming weeks to see if we can squeeze any more profit out of the selections.

For example laying both selections when both fall inside the limit or excluding selections when there's NR.

Any way here's a break down of the profit for each limit

7 Lay Limit, Aug +3.6 and Total +22.51 points profit
8 Lay Limit, Aug +5.3 and Total +20.41 points profit
9 Lay Limit, Aug +17.25 and Total +34.86 points profit
10 Lay Limit, Aug +23.3 and Total +25.71 points profit
11 Lay Limit, Aug +10.45 and Total +23.76 points profit
12 Lay Limit, Aug +19 and Total +39.76 points profit

For Full DB Results click here



Sunday 14 August 2011

Weekly Update

Just a quick update

Killer Instinct Lays continues to march on despite a poor Saturday. We've only added +1.3 points profit this week but so far this month we've made a very good +29.05 points profit.

Hopefully we wont have another disastrous week and we can finish the month with a very healthy return.

The DB trial has been in a sticking patch we haven't really gone anywhere this week and the month in general has been a little slow.

However we have still been profitbale to the tune of +6 points profit to the lay limit of 11.

Here's a break down of the profit for each limit since we started the trial on the 3rd May.

7 Lay Limit +20.51 points profit
8 Lay Limit +21.71 points profit
9 Lay Limit +31.81 points profit
10 Lay Limit +15.06 points profit
11 Lay Limit +19.31 points profit
12 Lay Limit +30.56 points profit

Until next week


Sunday 7 August 2011

5.7 is my lucky number

A new month and a new week.

Why is 5.7 my lucky number well the last four days of Killer Instinct Lays has seen us add exactly +5.7 points profit every single day.

Killer Instinct Lays is off to another flyer and has now hit a run of 31 successful lays. I'm sure you'll all agree that's not bad going and with the average odds of 5.6 still means were keeping liability's low.

So how much have we made so far in August?

Well now were up over +27.75 points profit and with a few drifting quite a bit some of you may well have got some extra profits.

However lets hope lighting doesn't strike twice as this month has a strange feeling of de ja vu. Last month we also got off to a flyer but we then hit a terrible week which wiped out a huge chunk of out profits.
Surely lighting wont strike again.

I've also got a nice pretty chart that shows the progress of Killer Instinct Lays

Now on to the DB Trial

So far its done ok, we had a couple of winners on Saturday that put a dent in our progress but its still been a profitable week with +6.55 points profit added.

Here's a breakdown of the profits for each limit since the start

7 Lay Limit +19.76 points profit
8 Lay Limit +23.56 points profit
9 Lay Limit +27.96 points profit
10 Lay Limit +14.66 points profit
11 Lay Limit +17.96 points profit
12 Lay Limit +27.31 points profit

Whats nice is we have a range of limits that are profitable so gives more people a chance to get involved. As there are those out there that don't like to lay as high as 12 and I don't blame them.
Last month proved how volatile that these sort of limits can be.

Sorry to be boring again but please remember this is still a trial. Even though we are into our forth month and still producing profits I want to be sure what limit is best so will give it another couple of months to paint a complete picture.



Sunday 31 July 2011

Roller Coaster Ride

Its been awhile since I did an update mainly due to the fact I went away camping so was preparing for that last week.

So this month has been a bit of a roller coaster for the Killer Instinct Lays. It raced along and racked up over +34 points profit around the 2 week mark but then had its worst performing day ever followed by one of the worst performing weeks.

However despite this it still managed to finish the month in a very healthy position of +16.03 points profit.

We have also managed to boost our monthly average up to +18.57 points. So we now have a service despite its ups and downs that brings in on average +18.57 points profit which anyone can try for just £10 for the first month.

Even at full price of a reasonable £20 I think you'll agree that +18.57 points profit will more than cover the costs.

So if you haven't already subscribed jump on board at

Full Results for Killer Instint Lays

DB Trial

Well there's no easy way to put it but the DB trial has bombed this month.

I guess there was always a danger of having a month like this with the prices were laying at but I didn't think it would be as bad as -48.9 points.

Believe it or not despite this loss its still in profit over the last 3 months. The important thing to remember is that this is still in its very early stages and its still a TRIAL.

See the profits to each limit below over the last 3 months

7 lay limit +18.91
8 lay limit +15.11
9 lay limit +17.61
10 lay limit +2.41
11 lay limit +13.31
12 lay limit +20.76

Whats interesting now is another month on and some of the lower limits are now more profitable than our original limit off 11.
12 has remained the most profitable through out but limits like 7 are less volatile. In July the lay limit of 7 would have lost just under 10 points if you compare that with the most profitable limit of 12 that lost over 50 points profit.

Anyway as I said this is still a trial and next month will give us more information.
Full Results for the DB trial

If you want a service that is already tried, tested and bringing in the profits subscribe at

